Each of us has every planet in his or her chart. Each planet symbolizes a different facet of life. In synastry, when we compare two charts, we look at the aspects (distance in degrees) between the planets of one chart and the planets of the other to determine areas of potential ease or difficulty. In general, sextiles and trines are easy aspects; squares and oppositions are challenging or dynamic aspects. Conjunctions can be either easy or difficult, depending on the planets involved.
Below, a brief (necessarily incomplete) description of the areas of life ruled by each of the planets: SUN: The life force, the ego center, who you are at your core. MOON: Feelings, home, mother, family, sensitivity, nurturing, moods.MERCURY: Communication, schooling, short trips, negotiations, the mind.VENUS: Emotions, asthetic and artistic sense, what you have to offer a lover or partner if you’re a woman; what you want in a partner if you’re a man. MARS: Aggression, desires, competitiveness, ego drive, conflict, what you bring to a relationship if you’re a man; what you want if you’re a woman. JUPITER: Expansion, generosity, travel, optimism, knowledge, beliefs. SATURN: Restrictions,discipline, fear, burdens, status, ambition, authority. URANUS: Innovativeness, quirkiness, rebelliousness. NEPTUNE: Dreams, illusions, drugs, deception, spirituality. PLUTO: Death and regeneration, elimination, tumultuous change, power.
Magaret Thatcher’s Planets Aspecting John Major’s Planets
Sun trine Mars
You are likely to be great cheerleaders and energizers for one another and should be able to get a great deal done together and individually as a result of the support you give one another. You can challenge each other in positive ways to achieve more. Often, this aspect is an indication of sexual attraction. You’ll enjoy any kind of physical activity you engage in together, especially competitive sports and work that is physically challenging.
Sun square Jupiter
You are likely to be generous to each other and to give each other the benefit of the doubt whenever possible. However, you may also give each other too much rope and encourage each other to excesses and over-optimism. While not an indication of great practicality, this drawback is more than compensated for by the geniality this square produces.
Moon square Uranus
This is likely to be somewhat uncomfortable emotionally, although it may be quite exciting. You may suddenly have become attracted to one another because of some fascinating difference between you, which may also cause you to to suddenly call it quits, if there aren’t other strong positive aspects that lend stability. There is a strong potential here for emotional impulsiveness and perhaps even explosiveness. Rash emotional behavior is not uncommon with this square.
Moon conjunct North Node
This conjunction often indicates a compatibility between your emotional make-up and values. Both partners tend to provide support in the other’s need to follow his or her life direction.
Mercury conjunct Midheaven
This tends to be a good combination for business relationships. The Mercury person’s words and ideas can help the Midheaven person professionally, and recommendations through or from the Mercury person can enhance the Midheaven person’s social and intellectual standing. Likewise, the Midheaven person can help elevate the Mercury person’s professional status by providing access to contacts.
Venus opposite Saturn
This can be a problematic combination. One or both of you may place terms on the relationship, such as withholding affection unless certain conditions are met. In old astrology texts, this was often associated with May/December marriages, or marriages made for status or money, but generally speaking, the terms are more likely to be subtler than out and out financial or social gain. There can be poor timing in the relationship, so that when one is feeling warmly toward the other, the other is feeling cold, and vice-versa. There can also occasionally be great obstacles to the expressing of affection, even though the affection may be deeply felt. Other relationships may get in the way of this one or other obligations may force one of you to hold back.
Venus opposite Uranus
This aspect is often present in whirlwind romances or in unusual romantic situations. It occasionally indicates a sudden attraction, involvement and ending, so that an entire relationship is played out in a very short period. Each of you must give the other plenty of freedom if the relationship is to succeed. There is likely to be a good deal of inventiveness in your sexual expression with each other, providing other factors in the individual charts or the comparison do not indicate strong inhibitions.
Venus sextile Neptune
Because Neptune spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few years of each other will have Neptune in more or less the same position. This sextile is therefore more significant as an indicator of the Venus person’s response to an entire generation than as a trait in a one-to-one relationship. If the aspect is within a degree or so of exact, it increases the empathic and emotional bond between you . This sextile is often present in highly idealistic, romantic relationships.
Venus trine Pluto
Because Pluto spends so many years in each sign, this trine is more significant as an indicator of the Venus person’s response to an entire generation than as an indication of one-to-one relationship traits. If the aspect is within a degree or so of exact,, it may show that this is an intensely emotional relationship where each of you feel that you were somehow destined for each other.
Mars trine Mars
Dynamic is the best word to describe a relationship with this trine. You can challenge each other in a very positive way to get more done and to put more energy into life. You are likely to spur each other on to do what you need to satisfy your desires, both jointly and as individuals. You are also likely to enjoy doing things together that require physical activity and perhaps a bit of friendly competition. Your desires are well-matched -- you each want similar things from life -- but whether you completely fulfill each other’s desires will be better determined by looking at aspects between Mars and Venus in each chart.
Mars trine Saturn
This is an excellent aspect for people who work together or otherwise need to get things done as a team . The Mars person can encourage the Saturn person to put more energy and enthusiasm into activities; the Saturn person can help the Mars person approach projects with greater discipline and a better sense of timing. Together, you can focus your energy and achieve the maximum possible rewards from joint endeavors.
Jupiter opposite Jupiter
This comparative aspect often indicates that you are from backgrounds that are in some way – culturally, educationally, religiously, or philosophically – almost complete opposites. However, this is usually a relatively easy bridge to gap, assuming that both of you are broad-minded, mature people, because Jupiter is the planet that symbolizes tolerance for backgrounds other than our own. You can, as a result, help to broaden each other’s horizons and you’re likely to be able to find common ground on cultural, philosophical and other deep issues. However, you may (because of the natural exuberance of Jupiter) encourage each other to excess and overly optimistic hopes, especially if the opposition is within a couple of degrees of exact. You may also have unrealistic expectations of each other or promise each other more than you can reasonably deliver.
Neptune conjunct North Node
This tends to be a weak influence and is of minor significance in personal relationships. It may indicate that there is an element of illusion in the relationship, with potential for disappointment and disillusionment.
John Major’s Planets Aspecting Magaret Thatcher’s Planets
Sun trine Venus
Generally speaking, this aspect shows that you can enjoy yourselves together and that you have harmonious tastes in entertainment, art, and other pleasurable activities. You tend to support each other’s interests and means of self-expression. This trine may show sexual attraction and compatibility, especially, but not necessarily, if the Sun person is male and the Venus person is female. This trine can indicate that your focus as a couple is often on having a good time, and may involve occasional displays of extravagance.
Sun opposite Mars
Do you find yourselves playing the one-upmanship game with each other just a bit more often than you do with other people? It’s not surprising with this aspect in your synastry comparison. There is likely to be a good deal of competitiveness, challenge and conflict when Mars opposes the Sun. Each of you may try to take charge of the relationship and may resent the other’s demands. You may take offense at little things that were meant in the most benign way because you automatically anticipate challenges from each other. But this combination doesn’t have to be all arm wrestling and defensiveness. You can, if the two of you are mature and grounded, turn the energy between you into a positive cooperative force -- and learn a great deal from each other in the process. The trick here is to accept that there is no right or wrong way, just “your” way and “my” way, and depending on the situation, one or the other mode of operation may work better .
Sun square Jupiter
You are likely to be generous to each other and to give each other the benefit of the doubt whenever possible. However, you may also give each other too much rope and encourage each other to excesses and over-optimism. While not an indication of great practicality, this drawback is more than compensated for by the geniality this square produces.
Sun square Pluto
Because Pluto spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few years of each other will have Pluto in more or less the same position. This square is therefore more an indication of the Sun person’s response to an entire generation than an indicator of one-to-one relationship traits. If the aspect is within a degree or so of exact,there can be intense struggles for authority and control between you. You may see each other as threats to your personal power or there may be jealousy, envy and scheming.
Moon square Mars
This can be a real ouch, emotionally. There is likely to be a great deal of volatility in this relationship and, when emotions flare (as they most definitely will) one of you -- often the Mars person -- may lash out without regard for the emotional pain you may cause the other. There is a tendency to have many disagreements, which you may be incapable of settling rationally and which can often become tearful or angry scenes. The Mars person is likely to feel defensive during clashes, while the Moon person feels wounded. The best way to handle these situations is to learn not to take everything the other says so personally, even if it seems as if there’s no other way to take it, but to try to see where the other is coming from. Most important -- be kind in what you say to, and how you act toward, each other. Disagreements should never be cause for, or include, personal attacks and insults.
Moon conjunct Jupiter
This tends to be a harmonious “feel-good” combination that makes both of you see the bright side of your relationship and of life in general when you’re together. Each of you tends to be willing to provide the other with emotional support when needed. The only down side here is that the Moon person may be a bit too clingy for Jupiter person.
Moon opposite Pluto
Because Pluto spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few years of each other will have Pluto in more or less the same position. This opposition is therefore more significant as an indication of the Moon person’s response to an entire generation than as a trait in a one-to-one personal relationship. If the aspect is within a degree or so of exact, there can be intense emotional struggles between you with the potential for jealousy or manipulation by one or both of you. The Pluto person may play a domineering role in this relationship.
Mercury trine Venus
You are likely to have harmonious or compatible tastes in art, literature and any communication-based entertainment. You will probably enjoy socializing together and are likely to feel comfortable with each other’s acquaintances and associates. Usually, this trine indicates ease in communicating emotions unless there are other, more powerful negative indicators that contradict this reading, either in the comparison or in one or both of the individual charts.
Venus trine Jupiter
This trine is likely to make yours a very harmonious relationship, unless other much stronger aspects contradict this. There is the tendency to feel warmth, generosity and caring toward each other and to give each other the benefit of the doubt when necessary . You’re likely to share cultural interests and to help broaden each other’s appreciation and tastes in art, literature and similar interests. One caveat: you are not likely to be good at sticking to a budget together unless there are some powerful, positive aspects to or from Saturn in the comparison.
Venus opposite Saturn
This can be a problematic combination. One or both of you may place terms on the relationship, such as withholding affection unless certain conditions are met. In old astrology texts, this was often associated with May/December marriages, or marriages made for status or money, but generally speaking, the terms are more likely to be subtler than out and out financial or social gain. There can be poor timing in the relationship, so that when one is feeling warmly toward the other, the other is feeling cold, and vice-versa. There can also occasionally be great obstacles to the expressing of affection, even though the affection may be deeply felt. Other relationships may get in the way of this one or other obligations may force one of you to hold back.
Venus opposite Ascendant
This operates more like a conjunction between the Venus person and the Ascendant person’s seventh house, the house of marriage, partnership and other serious relationships. It is one of the better aspects for romantic, partnership and marital harmony, as one partner’s Venus, the planet which shows what a person has to bring to a relationship, is in the other person’s house of important relationships. As a result, each of you is likely to be attuned to the other’s relationship needs. The Venus person is especially likely to go out of the way to meet those needs, but both of you should show signs of this trait.
Mars trine Mars
Dynamic is the best word to describe a relationship with this trine. You can challenge each other in a very positive way to get more done and to put more energy into life. You are likely to spur each other on to do what you need to satisfy your desires, both jointly and as individuals. You are also likely to enjoy doing things together that require physical activity and perhaps a bit of friendly competition. Your desires are well-matched -- you each want similar things from life -- but whether you completely fulfill each other’s desires will be better determined by looking at aspects between Mars and Venus in each chart.
Mars square Saturn
This is a problematic aspect that can cause great frustration between you. The Mars person is likely to feel held back and bossed around by the Saturn person, while the Saturn person may feel bullied or coerced into ill-considered action by the Mars person. You may find yourselves getting angry at each other often, and instead of clearing the air, you may seethe in silence, which only makes matters worse. There is the probability of a constant push-pull that makes it difficult to get anything done together. On the positive side, this aspect tends to teach you both something about how to achieve things with limited options. This is a lesson learned over time; it won’t come quickly or easily. But, if you do learn this difficult lesson together, and have the maturity to apply it instead of blowing your cool, you can be a formidable team.
Jupiter opposite Jupiter
This comparative aspect often indicates that you are from backgrounds that are in some way – culturally, educationally, religiously, or philosophically – almost complete opposites. However, this is usually a relatively easy bridge to gap, assuming that both of you are broad-minded, mature people, because Jupiter is the planet that symbolizes tolerance for backgrounds other than our own. You can, as a result, help to broaden each other’s horizons and you’re likely to be able to find common ground on cultural, philosophical and other deep issues. However, you may (because of the natural exuberance of Jupiter) encourage each other to excess and overly optimistic hopes, especially if the opposition is within a couple of degrees of exact. You may also have unrealistic expectations of each other or promise each other more than you can reasonably deliver.
Jupiter trine Saturn
With this comparative aspect, you can offer each other balance and get a great deal done together. The Jupiter person lifts the Saturn person’s spirits and provides opportunities for adventure and growth . The Saturn person can help the Jupiter person find useful channels and practical applications for expansiveness and optimism. Together, you can optimistically plan, expand your opportunities, and carefully lay the groundwork that results in greater rewards than either of you might be able to achieve separately.
Jupiter conjunct Pluto
Because Pluto spends so many years in one sign, aspects to this planet are more significant as a generational rather than a personal relationship indicator. If the aspect is close -- within a degree or two -- this conjunciton can indicate a relationship that brings both partners greater opportunities for power, achievement and the potential for gain through shared resources.
Pluto conjunct North Node
Because Pluto is in the same sign for 12-31 years, the North Node person will have more or less the same reaction to the Pluto influence as all those of the Pluto person’s generation. If this conjunction is within a degree, there can be a fated quality to the relationship and an intensification of passion and/or emotion, either positive or negative. There may also be some subtle manipulation and a tendency toward secretiveness, especially in emotional matters.